How to Get Page One Rankings in Google – Infographic

It happens to all of us. We put our heart and soul and hard work into building a website that we just know will dominate the google search rankings, but here we are stuck on page two! Today I want to share an infographic from one of the top SEOs that I know so that you can learn how to get page one rankings in Google.

The SEO that I am talking about is my friend Matt Diggity. He is the go to if you are having a problem with ranking a site. Matt’s method behind is madness is testing, testing and testing some more until he finds the answer that he is looking for.

There are many SEO Tips and Tricks that you should be using, but sometimes you just can’t figure out how to get page one rankings in google.

That’s when it is time to call Matt!

In the infographic below, Matt shares 24 steps to help you get unstuck in the SERPs.

Here are some things to consider if you are asking how to get page one rankings in Google.

  1. Do you have keywords that under or over optimized?
  2. Do you have poor title tags?
  3. Do you have enough content?
  4. Do you have duplicate content?
  5. Do you have redundant content?
  6. Do You have a lack of relevance?
  7. Do you have fresh content?
  8. Do you have quality URLs?
  9. Do you look like an affiliate site?
  10. Do you have quality on page signals?
  11. Do you need a visit from the grammar police?
  12. Do you have an unorganized heading structure?
  13. Do you lack outbound authority links?
  14. Do you have unoptimized anchor text ratios?
  15. Do you have links that lack trust and authority?
  16. Do you have links from poor PBNs?
  17. Do you lack social signals?
  18. Do you have a page with too many links?
  19. Do you have poor links that need to be disavowed?
  20. Do you have a poor distribution of links?
  21. Do you have a slow site?
  22. Do you have a poor click through rate?
  23. Do you have a high bounce rate?
  24. Do you lack a mobile friendly design?

The infographic below will tell you how to fix each of these problems and answer the question:

How to get page one ranking in google!

How to get Unstuck from Page 2 in Seo

How to get page one rankings in google infographic source –

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